I have heard the horror stories as every one else has about fine cast. They are prone to melting in the trunk of your car. They are riddled with bubbles so much that GW made their own liquid filler that you have to buy. (I would call that insult to injury) They come with bent items and given the strenght of the material are prone to breakage. The obvious cheaper material of finecast yet more expensive cost of them. All of these issues would normally would detract me from buying the miniatures. However I originally thought that they dont effect me nearly as much as they would have in the past. Mainly due to the fact that I am not buying anything new from the lines.
I have decided to go for older models on average for most of my armies that I do still collect, so I should not care about finecast, and I really don't care. Everything that I collect for my fantasy armies will be from an older edition to match more easily historical miniatures. However I am not just collecting only fantasy miniatures. I am still in 40K a little bit, and with the new edition I will proabably will be playing that more often than not. The problem that I have with GW is that instead of re-vamping new miniatures with finecast so we collectors know which model has which material, they have taken existing sculpts and casted them in finecast as well, as with these guys that I was going to add to my army:
This is what I really dont like what GW has done with their policies. I can understand using finecast on new sculpts, but this really casues trouble as to what exactly you are buying on the secondary market. Along with that I have been informed that stripping off paint from finecast is a chore and most likely will ruin your model. Usually you may have to worry that someone is giving you a counterfit sculpt from time to time made from this material, but here GW has done it for you. Now if I want to make sure that I am getting the model made out of the right material, I have to see them stripped. I have to say thank you for making my life harder GW. Ironically I really can't afford to be one right now, but in the event that I do become a customer once again, it will be of the classic editions and not of any of this crappy finecast that GW seems to think is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I will still buy the plastic units from time to time, albeit sparingly.
As promised I am trying to limit my rants on GW from now on so this will have to do for the next six months. I will try to make it to the end of the year folks, I will really try. Hopefully I will have some good things to say about 40K when I get the rulebook. So far it sounds like a game that I may be interested in.
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